
Information is Not Independently Verified

When we provide information to you about our products, we are doing so solely as a courtesy to you. You should assume that the information that we provide to you has solely been obtained from third-party sources and that Sportsman Cap & Bag has not independently verified the information. Sportsman Cap & Bag and its representatives make no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information contained herein. Any reliance on the information provided is at your own risk. Sportsman Cap & Bag assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information or for any actions taken based on the information provided. The inclusion of any third-party information does not imply endorsement or validation by Sportsman Cap & Bag. It is recommended that you independently verify the accuracy and reliability of the information obtained from third parties before making any decisions or taking any actions. Consultation with qualified professionals or relevant authorities is advised for specific inquiries or concerns. This disclaimer applies to all information, including but not limited to, text, images, links, or other materials provided to you. By reading this document, you acknowledge and accept this disclaimer.

Compliance With Foreign Laws & Regulations

We sell our products to distributors for sale in the United States and Canada. We do not warrant or represent that any of our products comply with any foreign laws or regulations. If we provided information to you about our products that you intend to sell outside of the United States or Canada, the information and content provided do not constitute legal advice or guidance on compliance with foreign laws or regulations. Sportsman Cap & Bag and its representatives make no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding whether or not any of its products or components comply with any specific foreign laws or regulations. Sportsman Cap & Bag disclaims any responsibility or liability for any actions, omissions, or consequences resulting from the use or interpretation of the information contained in this document regarding compliance with foreign laws or regulations. By reading this document, you acknowledge and accept that Sportsman Cap & Bag does not make any guarantee or assurance as to compliance with any foreign laws or regulations and that it is your responsibility to seek appropriate legal advice and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations in the relevant jurisdictions.

No Legal Advice Provided. Consult with You Own Lawyer

To ensure compliance with all United States laws and regulations (including without limitation its export control laws and regulations) and all foreign laws and regulations, it is strongly recommended that you consult with qualified legal professionals or seek guidance from authoritative sources to ensure compliance with the relevant U.S. and foreign laws and regulations. Sportsman Cap & Bag is not providing any legal advice or guidance.

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